A note from Kelsey & Kyle Duncan

2% of people marry their High School sweetheart.
.000002% of people are diagnosed with aHUS.

Against all odds and 15 years later, the life we planned has panned out very different than we ever imagined. But we are proving not just to ourselves but everyone that the story doesn’t stop because it didn’t go as written… it gets revised. 

We had the instagram worthy life. Happy marriage, cute home and the sweetest blonde haired boy. In November of 2020 we were planning to welcome baby number 2 when our world was flipped upside down.

On November 28 we rushed to the hospital only to be told that due to a full placental abruption, we had lost our son, Wyatt Leo. But it didn’t stop there, within days Kelsey was diagnosed with Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (aHUS) which posed a lot of questions for the future. What about the life we’ve planned? What is the life expectancy with aHUS? What is the quality of life? Were more babies possible?

It was in the hospital that we had the first conversation and agreed this wasn’t stopping us from achieving everything we’ve planned and if anything, we were adding to the list of to-dos and are now determined to be a part of getting some of the answers we so desperately wanted. It was in this conversation that Wyatt’s White Christmas was born. An event where everyone would speak our sons name, smile at the stranger next to them and help us raise money for aHUS research, a disease that has forever changed our lives.


Not a single day has passed that we haven’t thought about you. Wondered who you would be today. Thought about how life could be different…

There are people you meet or cross paths with, even if for just a singular moment that change you forever. You were one of those people. Our time together was unfair but you taught me more than honestly thought I was ever capable of ever learning. You taught me to slow down, to be in the moment and that it’s ok to ask for help. Before you, I was impatient, I lived as if I knew better. Before you, I took it all for granted.

While I will forever play my time with you over and over in my head, I cannot change it. I know you are with so many amazing angels that are taking the best care of you until I can be with you again. I hope you are proud of what we are accomplishing. And know that you are a driving force in all we do. I hope you will continue to watch over us and give us the strength to keep up with Alden’s endless questions and Emmitt’s terrifying fearlessness.

We miss you more than words can ever express. Until we meet again.
Love, Mom & Dad

Make it happen. Shock everyone.
